Rob Pardo

Rob Pardo
Bonfire Studios
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2017


For as long as I can remember I’ve always loved games. Board games, card games, sports, RPGs, and, of course, video games. When I was a kid, I couldn’t convince my parents to buy me an Apple II computer, but I desperately wanted to play all the great games of the day. I wouldn’t let lack of a computer stop me though.

I would buy the games anyway — games like Ultima, or Wizardry — and just install and play them at the local department store.

It was a win/win situation. I got to play all my favorite games, and the sales person got someone to demo their fancy new computers.

My first experience as a game designer was as a D&D dungeon master for my friends. When you are the DM, you’re personally responsible for your friend’s entertainment. You get better real time feedback than any beta test. If you’re doing poorly, people start finding other activities during your normal game night. If you do well, then you get to be a part of everyone’s fun, and ultimately become better friends through the experience. Over the years as a professional game designer, I’ve been able to touch millions of people, but the most rewarding moments were when I heard stories of players growing closer with their friends and family because of the shared experience of great gameplay.

Our Origin Story:

Some of My Links and Talks:

Our Inspirations:

Some pics from the early days at Bonfire:

